Suite 4, Level 1, 24 Hickson Rd Millers Point NSW 2000

WHS In Construction


We will review your WHS policies and procedures and ensure they are in accordance with legislation and suit your particular business. Our lawyers and consultants can draft tailor made documentation to meet all your on and off site WHS needs.

Come and talk to us before WorkCover talks to you.

It is an unfortunate part of the industry that accidents happen and while the proper policies and procedures can be in place to reduce the risk of incidents, they still occur from time to time. WorkCover NSW will often investigate and prosecute almost any incident where a person is injured on a construction site in NSW.

Our lawyers have acted for various contractors and principals in defence of WorkCover prosecutions in the Industrial Relations Commission. Having had experience with incidents involving minor injuries to fatalities, our lawyers are experienced in the defence of clients in those circumstances.

We hope that our clients never have to come see us in relation to these matters, but when there is no other option, we will ensure that you not only receive a proper defence but advise our clients on any changes to WHS policies and procedures to minimise the risk of future incidents.